Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A visit, distraction and postponing

So a couple of things have happened since last time. My hawk has been here for a couple of days, visiting, and we had a lot of fun; I enjoyed our time together very much :) But now he's gone again, and just in a few days time, he'll be flying away to the other side of the country, way out of my reach, unfortunately... If I'm very unlucky, I might not get to see him again before he leaves, but we'll see :) I'm feeling like hell right now, not myself at all, I constantly feel like I'm going to be sick, and I just want to sleep, but hell... I better get a grip, cus I don't wanna go around feeling like this for much longer...I knew this was inevitable (and I knew it was going to hurt), but I'm trying my best to get up on my feet. Men... horrible creatures... My first love, I fell hard, and then he just turns out to be... not what he seemed. That's how it goes. Fucking unbelievable, but true nonetheless. Lying and cheating, why is the story always the same? I know we weren't really "together", but I still don't think it was the right thing to do... At least a little socializing got my mind on something else, and I got to know the truth; thank heavens for friends :)

On another note, this little visit distracted me somewhat from my previously mentioned challenge, and right now I'm not quite in the drawing mood, but I'll start the challenge as soon as I get my spirits up some :) Maybe I'll try something tonight, some easy music and a cup of tea might just do the trick; it might remind me of earlier days, carefree days with friends and fun and laughter... Ah, don't you just wish you could go back in time some times? :)

Until next time,

- Ulvinnen

Thursday, April 9, 2009

And so it begins...

So I have finally submitted to this blogging thing as well =)

I hope to update this thing whenever something exciting (...) happens, but as not to let it die completely I will give myself a challenge here and now... I consider art one of my great passions, and this is a thing I've wanted to do for a while now; following will be a list of 15 words, and I will have to make a drawing to each of them. My goal will be to make one each week, but knowing myself, it will probably take me a good 3 months on each of them XD I'm willing to try, however, so let's see how this turns out ^^ Some of them might be finished pieces, some might be some very rough drafts... But as long as I make something, I'll be happy ^^
The words are as following:

1. Love
2. Light
3. Hunt
4. Innocence
5. Insanity
6. Mother Nature
7. Dreams
8. Dying
9. Waiting
10. Sacrifice
11. Magic
12. I can't
13. Healing
14. Frozen
15. Desire

Wish me luck <3

- Ulvinnen