I've just seen it on my mini laptop, so I'm dreading to see it on my regular laptop, I know there will be dousins of flaws xD
Anyways, this is Kurani, the WoW character owned by my hawk. I've written him a letter and bought him a birthday present, and I'll be sending it to him tomorrow I think. I think this will be the end of it. I need to move on, and it feels nice. Now that I'm done with this drawing I feel like I've cut the ties, I'm through :) Which is just as well, considering my hawk told me he's found another girl now. It was tough getting that slammed in my face, but I think it's made it easier for me to move on.
And now, I'm after someone else as well. I met him at new year's eve, as with my hawk, and he was actually the one I was originally interested in. Now that things went bad with my hawk, my interest for this other guy has awakened again, and once more I find myself the hunter, the wolf. This time the hunt isn't going so well, though. I was originally going to meet him yesterday, with a common friend, but something got in the way and he couldn't come. He's asked me out for coffee once, but I couldn't because of work, and I asked him out for coffee another time, but then HE couldn't because of work. So obviously, it's not going well at the moment, but I'm gonna fight this one, I'm not giving him up just yet, and I'll keep at it until I know for sure it's a lost case :p Here the other day he unexpectedly walked into the store I work, and I was caught so completely off guard, I just started shaking and couldn't say anything sensible xD Haha, it was horrible :P
Oh wells, that's about it for now ^^ Tomorrow there will be a info meeting in connection with school, and it will be my first encounter with my new life as a student ^^ I'm so terribly excited! I just hope I find the place and stuff, and pray that I don't get lost so I'll miss some really important things or something, it would bbe so typical xD Oh, and yesterday was (almost) my last day at work, it feels nice to be free again ^^ Hopefully I'll just get a month or two where I can focus on my studies, and then I'll find myself a part time job again =)
Okies, that's definitely all for now :p I'll have to go pack my things now and get on a train back to Oslo, and maybe once there I'll start on some sketches for my new drawing in the challenge, "Hunt", which I think seems like a fitting title for my current situation ;)
Take care!